Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ about Startup Class
- Christian Klang
What does it cost?
Nothing. Thanks to our partners and public funding, Startup Class is for free. All basic software we’ll use will be free for you. In the case of live events or meeting up with your team in person, you would need to cover transportation costs.
Are there any obligations?
Please make sure to be available on all days, 9 am – 5 pm, and have a quiet, undisturbed working area for yourself. A good wifi connection is important for all online sessions (collaboration, video conferences etc.). On some days, we’ll have events in the evening, too. We’ll also ask you to do some pre-Startup Class activities, such as printing and filling out some documents, installing software, recording a short video and answering to our emails. There is more in the application form, please read it carefully! Startup Class will be very intense, it’s not like any other summer school.
What happens with my application?
In case we have more applications than places available (around 40) we would select participants based on motivations. We had around 100 applications in the recent years. We look for an explanation and reasoning why you want to join Startup Class. All other personal information such as age, gender, nationality or field of study (alumni or active students) will NOT be judged. You can also apply as an experienced employee or young professional.
Are there 'hard' selection criteria?
Yes, two. First, you should have a valid postal address in the Berlin area (Berlin / Brandenburg) for the duration of Startup Class and before. We will send you material you’ll need for Startup Class and there will be occasions to meet up in person with your Startup Class team (of course, all current Covid-19 regulations apply).
Secondly, you should have your university studies finished or currently in progress (Bachelor, Master etc.) because Startup Class requires a minimum study background.
Do I have to (or can) bring my own startup idea?
No. During Startup Class, you will work on a real challenge that you can choose during the first days of Startup Class. If you already have a startup idea (no matter in which area), you can suggest this to your team members during Startup Class. If your idea is already a bit more advanced and ready to be a business, Startup Class may not help you so much – please contact our incubation program at HWR in this case.
Do I have to bring my own team?
You do not need a team. Teams will be formed during first day of Startup Class. Of course, you can bring friends or team members.
Can I participate alone?
Unfortunately, this is not possible. For all the methods we’ll use, teamwork is required. We will match you up with team members.

Christian is a research fellow at Berlin School of Economics and Law.